Go 的 http 包提供了一个 Hijacker 接口类型,如果我们不想使用 Go 的 http 连接默认行为,我们通过使用这个接口,“劫获” http 连接,并且把它转换成我们自己的管理方式。
一旦我们“劫获”了原来的http连接,我们可以自己操控这个连接(也意味着需要自己处理连接的关闭)。通常,我们还可以把劫获的 http 转换成 websocket 或者 rpc 等方式,
下面看一个简单的例子来比较默认的 http 行为和使用 Hijacker “劫取”之后的行为:
(1) Default http
Request Handler function
(2) After Hijacked
The message “Hello world!” will be write to the output directly without header part, like below.
Notice that both of http.ResponseWriter and http.Hijacker are interfaces, this means w implements both interfaces.
Hijacker prototype
Let’s see an example to see how we can hijack a normal http request and convert it to RPC protocol.
Notice that by executing hj.Hijack() we get the conn and buffer reader & writer out of the http connection, we generate a new conn object, which is different from original one, from them by
doing newConn().
newConn is look like this:
After that we simply run this newly create conn.
In the above code example (for simplicity, I removed some error checking blocks), a proto buffer response struct is constructed to for the client request, and therefore
the original http transport is switched to RPC communication.
http.Hijacker is also a good learning example on how to use interface in Go.
In the above example, I emulate two interfaces like the ResponseWriter and Hijacker provided by the Go standard library net/http,
then I define a wter struct to implement both of the interfaces, and pass it in as an argument in testHj function, the type assertion suceeds as expected.
Note: if we use type assertion on a declared type object, we have to store it in a interface variable,
otherwise we will receive errors saying “invalid type assertion: (non-interface type xxx on left)”
Use http.Hijacker to take over the http connection
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